...the unexplained/paranormal, occultism, conspiracy truths/theories, political intrigue, science, opinions, etc.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
books on ritual ceremonial magick
There are the 'classics' that every occultist has/should have - and luckily, most are available for free as pdf files online. It's not the same as holding a book in your hands, but they can also be found at amazon.com:
- The Greater Key of Solomon, edited by SL MacGregor Mathers
- The Lesser Key of Solomon aka 'The Goetia', which is fact, just the first of 5 books that actually comprise the complete Lesser Key. THE edition to own of 'The Goetia' is edited by Aleister Crowley. For the complete 5 books, see the EXCELLENT hardcover edition by Joseph H. Peterson, available at amazon.com(where I bought mine).
- Liber 777 - THE book of correspondences; what this means, and why do you use that... example: Mercury = the color orange and the number 8. Therefore, if you're doing a ritual that involves Mercurial forces, you would draw an 8-sided star(an octagram) in orange on the floor, within your magickal circle(among other things). Released by Aleister Crowley, some people say he actually stole the manuscript from SL MacGregor Mathers, his magickal guru in The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
- The Book of Ceremonial Magic - edited by A.E. Waite, it is a compilation of several different magickal 'grimoires'. There are some editorial errors here and there, and Waite can be incredibly long-winded, with a single sentence lasting an entire page(!), but it IS one of the CLASSICS, and is THE single book that prompted Crowley to seek out membership in a real occult order(The Golden Dawn, of which Waite was actually a member).
There are many others that are considered 'occult classics'. but these are, in my opinion, MUST HAVES.
***I would normally put "Magick In Theory and Practice" by Aleister Crowley in the MUST-HAVE category(especially the 'big blue brick' edition), but it's not something a beginner can even hope to grasp... so it's better saved until one has the basic knowledge down. Crowley sometimes made the mistake of assuming others were as brilliant as he was! It will go straight over your head if you jump into it too early - once you've 'been around the block' you will appreciate it and return to it over and over again... and you will - and every time you do, you'll 'get it' just abit more.
The 'Solomonic grimoires' are the basis of most of the western magickal tradition. The over-whelmingly Judeo-Christian bent of the whole thing is a turn-off to many(if you've not read these yet, you'll see what I mean), but it's also a testament to the fact that the preservation of these age-old manuscripts is actually due to various unknown clergymen across medieval Europe... some have said that the church elders believed 'to battle the forces of evil, one had to be adept at their ways of working'. I don't buy that for a minute(meaning they were using these grimoires for the same reasons others were, IMHO), but I'm glad they made copies and hid them away just as well! LOL
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (founded in 1888) is perhaps the MOST influential magickal order in modern history, which is why things almost always seem to trace back to them. That's how I came to delve into ceremonial magick - I kept seeing references to them in witchcraft circles, but had no idea what it was they were referring to. So, I started looking... and found Aleister Crowley there as well! Before The Golden Dawn, magick was an incredibly scattered thing, and truthfully, the average joe would have never even heard of this stuff, except in old wives tales and fire & brimstone preacher's sermons! LOL The founders of The Golden Dawn, and specifically SL MacGregor Mathers, literally mined the manuscript archives of the British Museum and its French counterpart, translating various texts in various languages, basically designing a coherent(some would argue that! LOL) magickal tradition from the ground up. The three members were also long-time Freemasons, so much of the structure of The Golden Dawn is very similar to masonic design as well. In fact, many of their meetings were actually held in masonic lodges - but they were NOT operations of or 'in league with' Freemasonry itself. There were many esoteric orders founded/populated by Freemasons at that time(and some today as well).
Here are some of the base instructional documents of The Golden Dawn system: http://www.occult-underground.com/goldendawn.html
Here some books I personally own myself and can highly recommend on The Golden Dawn:
The Essential Golden Dawn: an introduction to High Magic by Chic Cicero - a great introduction, with both history and some limited ritual instruction. An EXCELLENT 'first' book.
The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie - Regardie was once Crowley's secretary and a member of a Golden Dawn off-shoot called the Stella Matutina. He felt that the system was in danger of being lost to history and that the information belonged not to a select few but to mankind - so he published everything he had, ALL of their papers. He was immediately considered a 'traitor', but he did it for the benefit of all of us... and he just may have been the savior of modern occultism. The book itself is voluminous(about the thickness of a freakin' phonebook!{it was originally released in 4 volumes}), but abit scattered in its editorial layout, but again, a 'must have' when it comes to the Golden Dawn.
Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic Cicero - if there was only ONE book you could buy on the Golden Dawn system, this is it. It's literally ALL here.** This is like Crowley's Magick In Theory and Practice... it's that good!
**clarification - the Golden Dawn Tradition actually has 3 'orders', and as such, this book covers only the 'outer order'. For more details go here:
Despite this seeming like a veritable book of information, this is actually barely scratching the surface! LOL I really do have several more recommendations as 'must have' occult books, but I don't wanna overwhelm anyone... hahahaha The best way to show someone nothing, is to show them everything.
- The Greater Key of Solomon, edited by SL MacGregor Mathers
- The Lesser Key of Solomon aka 'The Goetia', which is fact, just the first of 5 books that actually comprise the complete Lesser Key. THE edition to own of 'The Goetia' is edited by Aleister Crowley. For the complete 5 books, see the EXCELLENT hardcover edition by Joseph H. Peterson, available at amazon.com(where I bought mine).
- Liber 777 - THE book of correspondences; what this means, and why do you use that... example: Mercury = the color orange and the number 8. Therefore, if you're doing a ritual that involves Mercurial forces, you would draw an 8-sided star(an octagram) in orange on the floor, within your magickal circle(among other things). Released by Aleister Crowley, some people say he actually stole the manuscript from SL MacGregor Mathers, his magickal guru in The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
- The Book of Ceremonial Magic - edited by A.E. Waite, it is a compilation of several different magickal 'grimoires'. There are some editorial errors here and there, and Waite can be incredibly long-winded, with a single sentence lasting an entire page(!), but it IS one of the CLASSICS, and is THE single book that prompted Crowley to seek out membership in a real occult order(The Golden Dawn, of which Waite was actually a member).
There are many others that are considered 'occult classics'. but these are, in my opinion, MUST HAVES.
***I would normally put "Magick In Theory and Practice" by Aleister Crowley in the MUST-HAVE category(especially the 'big blue brick' edition), but it's not something a beginner can even hope to grasp... so it's better saved until one has the basic knowledge down. Crowley sometimes made the mistake of assuming others were as brilliant as he was! It will go straight over your head if you jump into it too early - once you've 'been around the block' you will appreciate it and return to it over and over again... and you will - and every time you do, you'll 'get it' just abit more.
The 'Solomonic grimoires' are the basis of most of the western magickal tradition. The over-whelmingly Judeo-Christian bent of the whole thing is a turn-off to many(if you've not read these yet, you'll see what I mean), but it's also a testament to the fact that the preservation of these age-old manuscripts is actually due to various unknown clergymen across medieval Europe... some have said that the church elders believed 'to battle the forces of evil, one had to be adept at their ways of working'. I don't buy that for a minute(meaning they were using these grimoires for the same reasons others were, IMHO), but I'm glad they made copies and hid them away just as well! LOL
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (founded in 1888) is perhaps the MOST influential magickal order in modern history, which is why things almost always seem to trace back to them. That's how I came to delve into ceremonial magick - I kept seeing references to them in witchcraft circles, but had no idea what it was they were referring to. So, I started looking... and found Aleister Crowley there as well! Before The Golden Dawn, magick was an incredibly scattered thing, and truthfully, the average joe would have never even heard of this stuff, except in old wives tales and fire & brimstone preacher's sermons! LOL The founders of The Golden Dawn, and specifically SL MacGregor Mathers, literally mined the manuscript archives of the British Museum and its French counterpart, translating various texts in various languages, basically designing a coherent(some would argue that! LOL) magickal tradition from the ground up. The three members were also long-time Freemasons, so much of the structure of The Golden Dawn is very similar to masonic design as well. In fact, many of their meetings were actually held in masonic lodges - but they were NOT operations of or 'in league with' Freemasonry itself. There were many esoteric orders founded/populated by Freemasons at that time(and some today as well).
Here are some of the base instructional documents of The Golden Dawn system: http://www.occult-underground.com/goldendawn.html
Here some books I personally own myself and can highly recommend on The Golden Dawn:
The Essential Golden Dawn: an introduction to High Magic by Chic Cicero - a great introduction, with both history and some limited ritual instruction. An EXCELLENT 'first' book.
The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie - Regardie was once Crowley's secretary and a member of a Golden Dawn off-shoot called the Stella Matutina. He felt that the system was in danger of being lost to history and that the information belonged not to a select few but to mankind - so he published everything he had, ALL of their papers. He was immediately considered a 'traitor', but he did it for the benefit of all of us... and he just may have been the savior of modern occultism. The book itself is voluminous(about the thickness of a freakin' phonebook!{it was originally released in 4 volumes}), but abit scattered in its editorial layout, but again, a 'must have' when it comes to the Golden Dawn.
Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic Cicero - if there was only ONE book you could buy on the Golden Dawn system, this is it. It's literally ALL here.** This is like Crowley's Magick In Theory and Practice... it's that good!
**clarification - the Golden Dawn Tradition actually has 3 'orders', and as such, this book covers only the 'outer order'. For more details go here:
Despite this seeming like a veritable book of information, this is actually barely scratching the surface! LOL I really do have several more recommendations as 'must have' occult books, but I don't wanna overwhelm anyone... hahahaha The best way to show someone nothing, is to show them everything.
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Elder Gods file suit on Microsoft!
Cthulhu look-and-feel suit
by: Dave Hemming (surfbaud@NO-SPAM.waverider.co.uk)
From: "Christoph *****"To: z-list
Subject: [z-list] The Cthulhu "Look-and-Feel" Suit.
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:23:00 PDT
The Cthulhu look-and-feel suit
To: Microsoft Lawyers, Inc.
From: Azathoth, Nyarlathotep and Hastur, Elder Attorneys
Our agents among the mortal herd have brought to Our attention your recent product entitled Windows '95. Therefore We now give you statutory notice of intent of proceedings to be taken against Microsoft by the Many-Angled Ones.
With this suit We will show that Windows '95, and to a lesser extent all of the Microsoft range of products, infringe upon the recognised "look-and-feel" of the Elder Gods, for the following reasons:
Windows '95 is a crawling abomination from the darkest pits of Hell; No man can be in its presence for too long without being driven into gibbering insanity; A cult who worship it exist in secret amongst the mortal herd; Those who associate with it for too long develop common physical characteristics, to wit: pale, clammy skin, bulging eyes, generally unkempt physical appearance, tendency towards nocturnal living, change in diet to that which normal men do not eat (in your case tacos, burgers and Jolt Coke; in Ours, human flesh, Fungi of Yuggoth and the blood of Alien Gods); Mysterious tomes that purport to explain this phenomenon are reputed to exist; they are bound in an unnatural substance and only available at a terrible cost to the user.The Microsoft range of products seek to utterly dominate the world, and force all who dwell there to live in eternal damnation.
As you can see, Our case is very strong, especially when you consider that most judges prefer not to have chittering things with tentacles for faces scoop out their brains and eat them.
We hope that you will consider these points carefully and settle out of court, since it is not Our intention to have your senior partners spend the rest of their mercifully short lives under heavy sedation in a maximum security psychiatric hospital. After all, it was the Lords of the Outer Planes who gave humanity lawyers in the first place.
Respectfully yours,
[Oddly disturbing squiggle in some sort of ichor]
pp. J. Arthur Hastur, LL.B., B.C.L, B.D
BIG thanks to my dear friend Chris for sending me this! 93 93/93 Brother!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas' Pagan Origins
Few people realize that the origins of a form of Christmas was pagan & celebrated in Europe long before anyone there had heard of Jesus Christ.
No one knows what day Jesus Christ was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover. One thing they agree on is that it is very unlikely that Jesus was born in December, since the bible records shepherds tending their sheep in the fields on that night. This is quite unlikely to have happened during a cold Judean winter. So why do we celebrate Christ’s birthday as Christmas, on December the 25th?
The answer lies in the pagan origins of Christmas. In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift-giving were traditions of this feast.
In Rome, the Winter Solstice was celebrated many years before the birth of Christ. The Romans called their winter holiday Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. In January, they observed the Kalends of January, which represented the triumph of life over death. This whole season was called Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. The festival season was marked by much merrymaking. It is in ancient Rome that the tradition of the Mummers was born. The Mummers were groups of costumed singers and dancers who traveled from house to house entertaining their neighbors. From this, the Christmas tradition of caroling was born.
In northern Europe, many other traditions that we now consider part of Christian worship were begun long before the participants had ever heard of Christ. The pagans of northern Europe celebrated the their own winter solstice, known as Yule. Yule was symbolic of the pagan Sun God, Mithras, being born, and was observed on the shortest day of the year. As the Sun God grew and matured, the days became longer and warmer. It was customary to light a candle to encourage Mithras, and the sun, to reappear next year.
Huge Yule logs were burned in honor of the sun. The word Yule itself means “wheel,” the wheel being a pagan symbol for the sun. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual. Hollyberries were thought to be a food of the gods.
The tree is the one symbol that unites almost all the northern European winter solstices. Live evergreen trees were often brought into homes during the harsh winters as a reminder to inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again. Evergreen boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were often present at weddings, representing fertility. The Druids used the tree as a religious symbol, holding their sacred ceremonies while surrounding and worshipping huge trees.
In 350, Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25. There is little doubt that he was trying to make it as painless as possible for pagan Romans (who remained a majority at that time) to convert to Christianity. The new religion went down a bit easier, knowing that their feasts would not be taken away from them.
Christmas (Christ-Mass) as we know it today, most historians agree, began in Germany, though Catholics and Lutherans still disagree about which church celebrated it first. The earliest record of an evergreen being decorated in a Christian celebration was in 1521 in the Alsace region of Germany. A prominent Lutheran minister of the day cried blasphemy: “Better that they should look to the true tree of life, Christ.”
The controversy continues even today in some fundamentalist sects.
source: http://www.essortment.com/all/christmaspagan_rece.htm
No one knows what day Jesus Christ was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover. One thing they agree on is that it is very unlikely that Jesus was born in December, since the bible records shepherds tending their sheep in the fields on that night. This is quite unlikely to have happened during a cold Judean winter. So why do we celebrate Christ’s birthday as Christmas, on December the 25th?
The answer lies in the pagan origins of Christmas. In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift-giving were traditions of this feast.
In Rome, the Winter Solstice was celebrated many years before the birth of Christ. The Romans called their winter holiday Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. In January, they observed the Kalends of January, which represented the triumph of life over death. This whole season was called Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. The festival season was marked by much merrymaking. It is in ancient Rome that the tradition of the Mummers was born. The Mummers were groups of costumed singers and dancers who traveled from house to house entertaining their neighbors. From this, the Christmas tradition of caroling was born.
In northern Europe, many other traditions that we now consider part of Christian worship were begun long before the participants had ever heard of Christ. The pagans of northern Europe celebrated the their own winter solstice, known as Yule. Yule was symbolic of the pagan Sun God, Mithras, being born, and was observed on the shortest day of the year. As the Sun God grew and matured, the days became longer and warmer. It was customary to light a candle to encourage Mithras, and the sun, to reappear next year.
Huge Yule logs were burned in honor of the sun. The word Yule itself means “wheel,” the wheel being a pagan symbol for the sun. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual. Hollyberries were thought to be a food of the gods.
The tree is the one symbol that unites almost all the northern European winter solstices. Live evergreen trees were often brought into homes during the harsh winters as a reminder to inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again. Evergreen boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were often present at weddings, representing fertility. The Druids used the tree as a religious symbol, holding their sacred ceremonies while surrounding and worshipping huge trees.
In 350, Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25. There is little doubt that he was trying to make it as painless as possible for pagan Romans (who remained a majority at that time) to convert to Christianity. The new religion went down a bit easier, knowing that their feasts would not be taken away from them.
Christmas (Christ-Mass) as we know it today, most historians agree, began in Germany, though Catholics and Lutherans still disagree about which church celebrated it first. The earliest record of an evergreen being decorated in a Christian celebration was in 1521 in the Alsace region of Germany. A prominent Lutheran minister of the day cried blasphemy: “Better that they should look to the true tree of life, Christ.”
The controversy continues even today in some fundamentalist sects.
source: http://www.essortment.com/all/christmaspagan_rece.htm
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Meet the new boss - same as the old boss
Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetero)
member - Council on Foreign Relations
the Great Pyramid at Giza - the math tells the TRUTH
There's an interesting show on The History Channel called "Ancient Aliens"(if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and buy the DVDs - yes, it's that good!) and they were talking about the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. Not willing to take ANYTHING at face value, I did some research and some mathematical figures for myself and found this:
- There are 2.5 million blocks in the Great Pyramid, weighing between 2 and 70 tons each.
- It's base covers over 13 acres and its volume is around 90,000,000 cubic feet. You could build 30 Empire State buildings with its masonry.
- The generally accepted time frame for it's construction in the mainstream archeological community is 20 years.
- now the math :
60 minutes to an hour
24 hours to a day
365 days to a year
- using these facts, there are 1,440 minutes in a day, therefore 525,600 minutes in a year, therefore 10,512,000 minutes in 20 years.
- take that figure 10,512,000 and divide by the number of blocks, 2,500,000 gives us the number 4.2048.
This means - using the mainstream scientific community's own numbers - that they would have to quarry, transport and place 2.5 million 2-70 ton blocks, with a tolerance of .010 inch and placed together with a gap of no more than .020 inch, every 4.2 minutes, 24 hours a day for 20 years straight!!!!!
Is this even physically possible? No. Not even today with modern technology could we do this...
Okay, let's say they got the time for building wrong... way wrong. Let's give the ancient Egyptians not 20 years but a HUNDRED years to do it. That's increased by a factor of five... this means they would have to quarry, transport and place these 2.5 million blocks every 21 minutes, 24 hours a day for 20 years straight.
This is STILL an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY, even for today, much less 4.5 thousand years ago.
It's simple multiplication and division... math doesn't lie, have an agenda, nor is it subject to interpretation. It's either correct or incorrect.
So how was the Great Pyramid really built?
(And we haven't even mentioned the precise astronomical alignment of the pyramids... or the fact that there is no trace of soot or ash anywhere inside - so how did they light it to see what the hell they were doing? Oh, and we also haven't mentioned that inside the Great Pyramid there aren't any hieroglyphics either, which virtually blanket nearly every other ancient edifice in Egypt. Why not?!)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
"Lucifer Rising" - a short film by Kenneth Anger
Lucifer Rising is a short film by director Kenneth Anger. The film was completed in 1972 but was only widely distributed in 1980. Anger began filming around 1966, hiring a young musician named Bobby Beausoleil to act and compose the soundtrack. The film was abandoned in 1967 because Anger claimed the film footage had been stolen by Beausoleil. (Beausoleil and others said that Anger had simply spent all the money for the film). Anger then used some of the existing footage in another short film, Invocation of My Demon Brother. Beausoleil was convicted of killing Gary Hinman under the orders of Charles Manson in 1970. Anger began filming again several years later, with British singer Marianne Faithfull appearing in the film. Jimmy Page was brought in to record the soundtrack, but after he had a falling out with Anger, he was replaced by Beausoleil, who wrote and recorded the music in prison.
* Kenneth Anger - The Magus
* Bobby Beausoleil - Himself
* Donald Cammell - Osiris
* Marianne Faithfull - Lilith
* Myriam Gibril - Isis
* Chris Jagger - Man in Yellow Tunic
* Jimmy Page - Man Holding Stella of Revelation
Saturday, December 18, 2010
keeping it in the family - William and Kate are COUSINS
aaawww, it's the fairy tale wedding scenario again, just like Charles and Diana - without the gruesome planned car wreck/murder(well, so far)...
Prince William & Kate Middleton Related Thanks to a Murderous Tudor Tyrant
I knew it! The very day their wedding was announced I said to my wife "you watch - if someone just does the research, I'll bet they are related. That's how the elites always do it."
They wouldn't want to taint the bloodline, now would they?
Prince William & Kate Middleton Related Thanks to a Murderous Tudor Tyrant
I knew it! The very day their wedding was announced I said to my wife "you watch - if someone just does the research, I'll bet they are related. That's how the elites always do it."
They wouldn't want to taint the bloodline, now would they?
Friday, December 17, 2010
CIRCLE OF POWER - "Le Cercle" more secretive than Bilderberg?
"Around 1975 a surprising number of government were targeted by their own (or others’) intelligence agencies..."
Perhaps more sinister, and certainly more shadowy than the Bilderbergers, the "Pinay Cercle" is an "Atlanticist" right-wing organisation of serving and retired intelligence operatives, military officers and politicians that conspired to "affect" changes in government. Amongst other things they claim credit for engineering the election of Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. and may have been behind the ousting of Australia’s Gough Whitlam.
By David Guyatt
Now almost forgotten, the decade of the "Seventies" was a time of immense political upheaval, dirty tricks and incessant rumours of right-wing military Coup d’etats in leading western democracies. Amongst the long list of resulting casualties of this "decade of tension" were Britain’s Prime Ministers: Harold Wilson and Ted Heath, Australia’s Gough Whitlam, Sweden’s Olaf Palme, America’s Jimmy Carter and France’s Francois Mitterand. The more southern flanks of Nato’s European axis: Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Greece converted rumour into chilling fact via the steel-blue glaze of gun-barrels. Italy, home of Pizza, the Pope, and Propaganda Due (P2) came in for its own brand of political fixit, courtesy of Uncle Sam’s very own CIA.
As the decade of the "eighties" slowly slipped above the now less than pink eastern horizon, right-wing beneficiaries of a co-ordinated international destabilisation programme gave their heart-felt thanks. Among them were Britain’s Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher - Madonna of the Armaments industry - and America’s less brittle, and considerably less acute, Ronald Reagan - humble originator of the mega-tax-buck-swallowing SDI "Star Wars" programme and also, thus, a valued friend of the boys at Guns R Us International.
These two decades saw a proliferation of right-wing, quasi official and secretive groups that co-ordinated intelligence, propaganda and undertook covert black-operations around the globe. One of the most shadowy of all is the "Pinay Cercle", named after its founder Antoine Pinay, Premier of France in 1951. Known more simply as "Le Cercle" it is recognised as a more clandestine sister organisation to the already very secretive Bilderberg Group1 - a "behind-the-scenes ‘invisible’ influence" network.
Both groups share a familiar membership which includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockerfeller. Each of these three luminaries of the international power network are, in addition to the foregoing, influential members of The Trilateral Commission and the Council for Foreign Relations as well as being regular attendees at Britain’s "Chatham House" - The Royal Institute of International Studies - shadowy twin to America’s CFR.
Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States, where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1952. By 1969, Pinay together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.
The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorrill also believes there are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a "stay-behind anti communist" military guerrilla force set up by Nato’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the "fifties", that was largely composed of ex Nazi’s.
Le Cercle has a different flavour to Bilderberg, however. The latter is an important link to the overt "influence" organisations cited above and almost certainly focuses its efforts on the broader political issues, being careful to keep well-away from "direct actions". Le Cercle has a much more "hands on" role. Interestingly, its membership is more heavily composed of serving or former members of various Intelligence Services, senior military officers as well as politicians, bankers and VIP’s with right wing connections. The "Cercle" was unknown until 1500 internal documents of the rightist (and Le Cercle funded) Institute for the Study of Conflict, were leaked to Time Out Magazine in 1975. Subsequently the documents have gone missing. At the time ISC was headed by CIA agent and "Cercle" Chairman, Brian Crozier who was heavily involved in another covert action group known simply as "The 61."
go here for the rest of the article: http://www.illuminati-news.com/pinay-cercle.htm
Perhaps more sinister, and certainly more shadowy than the Bilderbergers, the "Pinay Cercle" is an "Atlanticist" right-wing organisation of serving and retired intelligence operatives, military officers and politicians that conspired to "affect" changes in government. Amongst other things they claim credit for engineering the election of Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. and may have been behind the ousting of Australia’s Gough Whitlam.
By David Guyatt
Now almost forgotten, the decade of the "Seventies" was a time of immense political upheaval, dirty tricks and incessant rumours of right-wing military Coup d’etats in leading western democracies. Amongst the long list of resulting casualties of this "decade of tension" were Britain’s Prime Ministers: Harold Wilson and Ted Heath, Australia’s Gough Whitlam, Sweden’s Olaf Palme, America’s Jimmy Carter and France’s Francois Mitterand. The more southern flanks of Nato’s European axis: Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Greece converted rumour into chilling fact via the steel-blue glaze of gun-barrels. Italy, home of Pizza, the Pope, and Propaganda Due (P2) came in for its own brand of political fixit, courtesy of Uncle Sam’s very own CIA.
As the decade of the "eighties" slowly slipped above the now less than pink eastern horizon, right-wing beneficiaries of a co-ordinated international destabilisation programme gave their heart-felt thanks. Among them were Britain’s Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher - Madonna of the Armaments industry - and America’s less brittle, and considerably less acute, Ronald Reagan - humble originator of the mega-tax-buck-swallowing SDI "Star Wars" programme and also, thus, a valued friend of the boys at Guns R Us International.
These two decades saw a proliferation of right-wing, quasi official and secretive groups that co-ordinated intelligence, propaganda and undertook covert black-operations around the globe. One of the most shadowy of all is the "Pinay Cercle", named after its founder Antoine Pinay, Premier of France in 1951. Known more simply as "Le Cercle" it is recognised as a more clandestine sister organisation to the already very secretive Bilderberg Group1 - a "behind-the-scenes ‘invisible’ influence" network.
Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States, where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1952. By 1969, Pinay together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.
The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorrill also believes there are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a "stay-behind anti communist" military guerrilla force set up by Nato’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the "fifties", that was largely composed of ex Nazi’s.
Le Cercle has a different flavour to Bilderberg, however. The latter is an important link to the overt "influence" organisations cited above and almost certainly focuses its efforts on the broader political issues, being careful to keep well-away from "direct actions". Le Cercle has a much more "hands on" role. Interestingly, its membership is more heavily composed of serving or former members of various Intelligence Services, senior military officers as well as politicians, bankers and VIP’s with right wing connections. The "Cercle" was unknown until 1500 internal documents of the rightist (and Le Cercle funded) Institute for the Study of Conflict, were leaked to Time Out Magazine in 1975. Subsequently the documents have gone missing. At the time ISC was headed by CIA agent and "Cercle" Chairman, Brian Crozier who was heavily involved in another covert action group known simply as "The 61."
go here for the rest of the article: http://www.illuminati-news.com/pinay-cercle.htm
Texas police officials trample US Constitution, take blood samples by force
November 1st 2010 addressing the Austin Public Safety Commission, Texans for Accountable Government member Heather Fazio schooled the members of Austins Public Safety Commission on the rights that Austin Citizens have to basic privacy guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Texas Transportation code.
"No refusal" blood draws?
Who is running the Texas police forces, Heinrich Himmler?
"No refusal" blood draws?
Who is running the Texas police forces, Heinrich Himmler?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Former Legislator Makes Statement on Eisenhower-ET paperwork
Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire, declared this week that former U.S. President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made reference to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors.
**here is the link in case blogger's recurrent video problem rears its annoying head AGAIN - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pP7BEGeVWE&feature=feedu
for more information:
**here is the link in case blogger's recurrent video problem rears its annoying head AGAIN - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pP7BEGeVWE&feature=feedu
for more information:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
In Defense Of Zecharia Sitchin
In Defense Of Zecharia Sitchin
by Lloyd Pye, Dec 2010
Zecharia Sitchin was an author famous for "The Earth Chronicles" series of books about the writings of the ancient Sumerians (circa 5,000 years ago) as he interpreted them. He was one of perhaps 200 people in the world, if that many, who could translate cuneiform, the symbolic language of the Sumerians. His work has been very influential on my own.
A Message From Lloyd Pye
Anyone who says Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud or mistaken in his translations of Sumerian texts, or anything in that vein, is busily grinding a heavily worn axe. They base all of their complaints on the fact that in certain key areas of the Sumerian writings, he deviates markedly from the "classical" translations, the vast majority of which were completed before 1947, before the terms "UFO" or "alien" came into common usage.
When the early translators came upon passages that could have been and should have been interpreted the way Sitchin interpreted them, they had no conceivable frame of reference for such terminology. Thus, they shoehorned it to fit into their own restricted world views, and because this nonsense was created by "experts" of that time, modern experts are inevitably brainwashed by their education process to believe no other translation is needed, much less preferable.
This intellectual claptrap has become established as the "preferred" and "accepted" translations that critics claim Stichin should have respected and stuck with in the way they are obligated to do. Sitchin rightly jettisoned the nonsense and translated the texts more like they were actually written, calling an alien an alien, so to speak, and this gross offense to modern academic sensibilities is what classic scholars consider a sacrilege to their mindset.
I have no doubt that, in the fullness of time, historians will consider Zecharia Sitchin vastly more correct than any mainstream pundit alive at this moment. Why? Because modern scholars endure years of intense training that forces them to consider the work of prior scholars sacrosanct, which produces a virtual army of close-minded sycophants who, ultimately, will be dismissed as laughably wrong.
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's all about TRUTH
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
- John Lennon
“Every truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer
"There is no religion higher than TRUTH."
- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
- John Lennon
“Every truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer
"There is no religion higher than TRUTH."
- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Friday, December 10, 2010
David Icke: They Dare Not Speak Its Name ... Rothschild Zionism
But to understand the financial crisis, 9/11 and so much more, it must be spoken constantly.
The David Icke Newsletter this Sunday is a major six thousand word exposure of the extent of Rothschild Zionist control of Big Government, Big Banking, Big Media, etc. and its fundamental role in the atrocities of 9/11.
It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … Rothschild Zionism. I add the 'Rothschild' to constantly emphasize the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day ...
... They have sought to sell the 'Zionism-means-all-Jewish-
This is why most researchers won't go there even if they are aware enough to know that they should really goes beyond five-sense reality. Go there. To uncover and expose what is happening in the world we need all the 'bees' - brain, backbone, balls - and never more so than now. Oh yeah, and add consciousness if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.
So racism is ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall.
The world's most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.
IT SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED AGAIN - "Zionism" does NOT equal "Jewish people". The super-elites who head this murderous movement have perpetuated this lie to enable them to label 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' anyone who dares to disagree with them. In fact, the Jewish people themselves are some of the most victimized by these heartless maniacs, who in fact have/had multiple ties to Hitler's brutal Nazi regime.
Zionism is a political movement - and one of the most violent ones at that(excluding the Catholic church, but that's another post, although there has been some 'cross-over' especially during WWII) - based on the opinion that the land now known as 'Israel' belongs to certain people because 'God said so'...
YES, all the fighting, death, misery, and literal brink of world destruction is based on writings in an ancient 'magical' book. Think about that for a second... okay, now that you've got that, know this:
if you take these mystical writings as factual history - I know that's freakin' crazy, but stay with me here - even in these books by which the Zionists lay claim to 'their land', it is written - and the physical archaeological evidence verifies this - that the land was ALREADY OCCUPIED when these 'chosen people' arrived! They were told by this 'god' to drive out the indigenous peoples and take it for themselves... killing nearly everyone, taking what they could as booty, and oh yeah, you can keep the virgin girls for yourselves. *facepalm*
These indigenous peoples were the Canaanites - who we now know as THE PALESTINIANS.
Now you know WHY the world is as literally fucked up as it is, why we are constantly KILLING each other, why the Middle East, which was was LITERALLY the cradle of civilization with some of the worlds most advanced cities, sciences, mathematics, etc., is a hotbed of violence and anguish and half the people live like it's the 1500s, why that small area of contested land resembles a Nazi concentration camp(how ironic)...
- because a 'magic' book said so. -
How can we NOT see how absolutely bizarre this is?!
We are ALL human beings with the same rights & feelings as everyone else. We ALL deserve absolute freedom to live, love, travel, believe/worship(or not) what we want, when & how we want, AS LONG AS WE DO NO HARM TO ANOTHER and do not infringe upon the rights of others to do the same.
~ Tony
Nephilim: The Truth is Here (Nephilim Series Vol. 1)
"The truth is out there, and journalist "Mac" MacKenzie must find it. This is an XFiles-type story with demons masquerading as aliens. Marzulli is one masterful storyteller with a chillingly believable tale." -- Houston Chronicle, October 16th, 1999
“They’re not human. They come from somewhere else, somewhere far away . . .”
Two years ago, Art “Mac” Mackenzie was a respected newspaper journalist with a wonderful family and a bright future. Now he lives alone, fighting the temptation to drink and trying to survive as a freelance writer. His faith in God, humanity, and virtually everything else is gone. All that’s left is a pile of bills and the ache of his son’s death.
Then comes the opening of the multi-million-dollar new wing of the Westwood Center, the assignment to cover it . . . and, on the sixth-floor psychiatric ward, a distraught patient’s fantastic tale of alien abduction and impregnation. So begins a media story with international implications—and more trouble than Mac has ever imagined.
Skeptical but hot for a story, Mac follows a lead to Israel, where he comes across the remains of a nephilim: an ancient biblical giant, sired by demons and born of human women. It’s just the tip of a terrifying supernatural iceberg—for the nephilim are back. And forces beyond Mac’s comprehension will do anything to prevent him from revealing their secret -- Publisher
I have not read this yet - just sharing something that seems interesting to fans of this blog. It is part one of a trilogy of books. It is fiction - which I rarely read anymore as I find real life sensational enough! - but the subject matter is interesting, so... The author IS a Xian pastor, so be aware, although the various reviews state it's not 'preachy' or anything. He HAS done his homework, which can't always be said when it comes to most Xian writers. He has also appeared on the History Channel MASTERPIECE(my opinion) series "Ancient Aliens".
If this subject matter interests you - and why wouldn't it? - you might wanna take a look at this former blog post.
~ Tony
Nephilim: The Truth is Here (Nephilim Series Vol. 1) [Paperback] by L.A. Marzulli
Editorial Reviews
From Library Journal
In this debut, Art "Mac" Mackenzie, an alcoholic reporter, is chipping away at a boring fact piece when he stumbles upon evidence of a government cover-up. Undercover, Mac infiltrates the restricted sixth floor of a new hospital, where supposed mental patients, all women, are kept sedated and restrained. One woman tells him that something fathered an inhuman child in her: Nephilim, child of a fallen angel and a human mother. With a dynamic plot, mesmerizing ideas, and enough hi-tech and government conspiracy to please the most demanding fans, Marzulli's book is the first, one hopes, in a thrilling new series.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
"A very provocative scenario. It appears Lynn Marzulli has done his homework." -- Chuck Missler, author of Alien Encounters"The truth is out there, and journalist "Mac" MacKenzie must find it. This is an XFiles-type story with demons masquerading as aliens. Marzulli is one masterful storyteller with a chillingly believable tale." -- Houston Chronicle, October 16th, 1999
“They’re not human. They come from somewhere else, somewhere far away . . .”
Two years ago, Art “Mac” Mackenzie was a respected newspaper journalist with a wonderful family and a bright future. Now he lives alone, fighting the temptation to drink and trying to survive as a freelance writer. His faith in God, humanity, and virtually everything else is gone. All that’s left is a pile of bills and the ache of his son’s death.
Then comes the opening of the multi-million-dollar new wing of the Westwood Center, the assignment to cover it . . . and, on the sixth-floor psychiatric ward, a distraught patient’s fantastic tale of alien abduction and impregnation. So begins a media story with international implications—and more trouble than Mac has ever imagined.
Skeptical but hot for a story, Mac follows a lead to Israel, where he comes across the remains of a nephilim: an ancient biblical giant, sired by demons and born of human women. It’s just the tip of a terrifying supernatural iceberg—for the nephilim are back. And forces beyond Mac’s comprehension will do anything to prevent him from revealing their secret -- Publisher
I have not read this yet - just sharing something that seems interesting to fans of this blog. It is part one of a trilogy of books. It is fiction - which I rarely read anymore as I find real life sensational enough! - but the subject matter is interesting, so... The author IS a Xian pastor, so be aware, although the various reviews state it's not 'preachy' or anything. He HAS done his homework, which can't always be said when it comes to most Xian writers. He has also appeared on the History Channel MASTERPIECE(my opinion) series "Ancient Aliens".
If this subject matter interests you - and why wouldn't it? - you might wanna take a look at this former blog post.
~ Tony
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Secret Doctrine Commentaries
The Secret Doctrine Commentaries
The Unpublished 1889 Instructions
Transcribed and annotated by Michael Gomes
> Order this book
Immediately after The Secret Doctrine was published, Blavatsky assembled a small group of students, at the Blavatsky Lodge in London, for more in depth inquiry and study of the ideas in the book.
The Secret Doctrine Commentaries contains the never before published transcription of the shorthand notes of these Blavatsky Lodge meetings. Here is Blavatsky in dialogue with her students: Provocative, insightful, spontaneous, and inspiring of the deeper meaning. It offers a unique opportunity to read Blavatsky’s direct, prescient answers to questions on Cosmogenesis, Fohat, the infinitude of the Atom, the nature of Consciousness etc., giving the reader the impression of participating in these Blavatsky Lodge meetings themselves.
The well known theosophical historian and researcher Michael Gomes has conscientiously transcribed and annotated the hand- written transcription of this text, which had been forgotten for many years. Only an abridged version of the initial meetings had been published. Here for the first time is Blavatsky’s direct teaching on The Secret Doctrine with her students, imbued with her humor, insight, and wisdom.
The hitherto unpublished instructions in this book hold invaluable insight into Blavatsky’s method and wisdom and carries us to deeper discoveries within of the mystery of her “Secret Doctrine”.
Amongst Michael Gomes’ publications are numerous books, articles and papers on the history of the Theosophical Movement, and two abridgements of Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. He is also the author of Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography, The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement and HPB Teaches, a one volume anthology of her articles published for her death centenary in 1991.
> Order this book
**DISCLAIMER - I am not affiliated in any way with the publisher, just sharing information.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Banned from the bible - Noah's real identity
an excerpt from the Apocrypha - books banned from the bible - that is VERY interesting, in my opinion.
1. And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son.2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.
3. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness.
4. And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his father Methuselah.
5. And he said unto him: 'I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious.
6. And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the earth.
Question: Who is this 'baby' that was born with long white flowing hair, sunlight emanating from his eyes, and capable of speech with 'God' upon delivery?
Answer: NOAH (who supposedly lived to be 600 years old)
Question: What's up with the freaky appearance & seemingly magickal abilities of a newborn baby(and mythical lifespan)?
Answer: Genesis 6:1-4
- 1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
- 2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
- 3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
- 4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.
NEPHILIM = the result of the interbreeding of the fallen angels with human women.
By posting this article, I am NOT saying any of it is TRUE. ('true' as in 'the bible is truth'. I am of the opinion - and the physical archeological evidence PROVES it - that the entire Abrahamic{Judeo-Christian-Muslim} tradition is simply stolen/re-branded versions of loooong previously existing Pagan religious practices... which they then suppressed as 'evil works of the devil' *facepalm*) I am simply sharing/clarifying an excerpt of an historic document that was once thought to be part of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but at some point in time, "someone" decided that this book - and many others - would be EXCLUDED from 'holy canon'.
Because it doesn't 'keep to the official story'?
Does it say 'too much'?
UFO battle over Los Angeles?
The above photos(click them for full-size views) are from the February 26, 1942 edition of the Los Angeles Times, of an amazing event that took place in the overnight/early morning hours of Feb 24-25.
(excerpted from wikipedia, with additional comments by myself)
The Battle of Los Angeles, also known as The Great Los Angeles Air Raid, is the name given by contemporary sources to the rumored enemy attack and subsequent anti-aircraft artillery barrage which took place from late February 24 to early February 25, 1942 over Los Angeles, California. The incident occurred less than three months after America's entry into World War II as a result of the Japanese Imperial Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor.
Initially, the target of the aerial barrage was thought to be an attacking force from Japan, but speaking at a press conference shortly afterward Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox called the incident a "false alarm." Newspapers of the time published a number of sensational reports and speculations of a cover-up. A small number of modern-day UFOlogists have suggested the targets were extraterrestrial spacecraft.(the term 'small number' is deliberately misleading, in my opinion ~ Tony) When documenting the incident in 1983, the U.S. Office of Air Force History attributed the event to a case of "war nerves" likely triggered by a lost weather balloon and exacerbated by stray flares and shell bursts from adjoining batteries.
oh please! yeah, it was uh... swamp gas, yeah, that's it! *facepalm* Also, the farcical 'weather balloon' excuse has been easily disputed by knowledgeable people who were actually there, stating that an errant balloon from the nearest balloon station would have had to come loose from its tether, go around the mountains, then make a left turn and come back down towards L.A.! Gimme a freakin' break! There were balloons that were used as artillery target practice - but the military would NOT do a LIVE FIRE exercise in the middle of the night over the heads of a city of 2 million+ people(at that time), killing 6 and damaging several buildings, only 3 months after the infamous Pearl Harbor attack! Military exercises just don't work that way(I have been a part of many during my time in the Air Force in the 1980s). This was NOT a military exercise and this was NOT a case of 'war nerves'. And records recovered from Japan after the war clearly determine that NO JAPANESE PLANES ever entered US airspace during WWII.
~ Tony
Air raid sirens were sounded throughout Los Angeles County on the night of 24–25 February 1942. A total blackout was ordered and thousands of air raid wardens were summoned to their positions. At 3:16 a.m. the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells into the air at reported aircraft; over 1,400 shells would eventually be fired. Pilots of the 4th Interceptor Command were alerted but their aircraft remained grounded. The artillery fire continued sporadically until 4:14 a.m. The "all clear" was sounded and the blackout order lifted at 7:21 a.m.
In addition to several buildings damaged by friendly fire, three civilians were killed by the anti-aircraft fire, and another three died of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour-long bombardment. The incident was front-page news along the U.S. Pacific coast, and earned some mass media coverage throughout the nation.
Every year there are people who meet up to commemorate the event on the date it happened, many of which who were actually there when it happened. Many of them believe that the government/military is NOT telling the whole truth about what happened that night. Gee, where have we heard that before? There is also talk that the craft - whatever it was - crashed into the water offshore and was recovered by the Navy. This was 5 years before the famous Roswell incident.
Do I know what it was? I have no idea - I am simply asking questions... and as an American citizen, I have that right, and it will NOT be infringed.
~ Tony
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Aleister Crowley (12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947)
Aleister Crowley (pronounced /ˈkroʊli/; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947), born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. A philosophical skeptic, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in 1904, a time when old ethical and religious systems would be replaced. Widely seen as one of the most influential occultists of all time, he was a member of the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, as well as a co-founder of the A∴A∴ and eventually a leader of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). He is known today for his magical writings, especially The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema, although he also wrote widely on other subjects, including a large amount of fiction and poetry.
Crowley was also a bisexual, a recreational drug experimenter and social critic. In many of these roles he "was in revolt against the moral and religious values of his time", espousing a form of libertinism based upon the rule of "Do What Thou Wilt". Because of this, he gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, and was denounced in the popular press of the day as "the wickedest man in the world." Alongside his esoteric activities, he was an avid chess player, mountaineer, poet and playwright, and it has also been alleged that he was a spy for the British government.
Crowley has remained an influential figure right up till this day, and in 2002, a BBC poll described him as being the seventy-third greatest Briton of all time. References to him can be found in the works of numerous writers, musicians and filmmakers, and he has also been cited as a key influence on many later esoteric groups and individuals, including Kenneth Grant, Gerald Gardner and, to some degree, Austin Osman Spare.
*profile excerpt from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley
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