Saturday, February 5, 2011

If THEY want a war - let THEM fight it!

As a United States military veteran, it absolutely kills me to come to the realization of the TRUTH that our country has been usurped...

There had never been a country like ours prior to 1776 - the concept of the people ruling themselves was a NEW idea, a grand experiment, if you will... and in our short history of less than 250 years, we have grown to become the most powerful nation in the world. How has this happened?

Because we were founded upon the idea of FREEDOM.

Other nations, like Egypt or China are literally thousands of years old, yet why have THEY not become the 'gold standard' instead of us? Because a totalitarian form of government is inherently unjust and unsustainable. Look at what happened to the Soviet Union - the great country of Russia was turned into a prison camp, the people suffered greatly, and it fell apart... just like Rome under the Caesars.

If you trace the bloodlines of the very people who are seeking to inflict upon us a GLOBAL version of Nazi Germany, they are the very people who USED to own US as kings and emperors...

and goddammit, we will NOT return to the owner/slave modus operandi!

The concept of equilibrium will ensure that the oppression will NOT stand... slavery is simply not a natural state for mankind.

How bad it gets until then, depends on OUR resolve to stand up and say "NO!"

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