Friday, December 16, 2011

The idea has always been to destroy America

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Another 18 hours in the air took me to Cleveland, Ohio, once one of the industrial and manufacturing giants of America in its economic heyday, but now a shadow of what it once had been. Cleveland was the point on the tour that provided the symbol for the systematic destruction of the United States, economically and eventually militarily. It was the city where J D Rockefeller (1839–1937) grew up and, ironically, it is the cabal that he so effectively represented which has since destroyed the manufacturing heart of the once-mighty Cleveland. 

Manufacturing that was the foundation of the American economy has been outsourced to China and the Far East along with many other jobs once done by Americans. This has devastated cities like Cleveland exactly as planned. They are already so close to their goal with Associated Press reporting this week that 48 percent of Americans, some 146.4 million, are now considered low-income or poor. More than half of all children in major US cities, including Cleveland, are living in poverty. 

The idea has always been to destroy America economically and militarily to bring it under the jackboot of a world government tyranny and now we have the apparently extraordinary situation of America up to its neck in debt to countries like China - the major beneficiary of the outsourcing of American manufacturing. 

But it is not extraordinary when you realise that the plan all along has been to destroy America and not to improve the lives of Americans. This has all been callously done on purpose by a rigged and corrupt political system that serves the global cabal, not the American people.

Giant insect as big as your hand!

Massive giant weta insect as big as your hand


This is a giant weta, an insect found on New Zealand's Little Barrier Island. But this isn't just any giant weta. It's reportedly the largest ever found, weighing in at 71 grams.
"She enjoyed the carrot so much she seemed to ignore the fact she was resting on our hands and carried on munching away," (said Mark Moffet, a former US park ranger who found it in a tree.) "She would have finished the carrot very quickly, but this is an extremely endangered species and we didn't want to risk indigestion.
"After she had chewed a little I took this picture and we put her right back where we found her."
"World's biggest insect is so huge it eats carrots" UPDATE: From
Landcare Research entomologist Dr Thomas Buckley says, based on Moffett's photos, the weta's size looks about average for its species.
"The species itself is the heaviest in the world but whether that individual is the heaviest you couldn't really say.
"From the picture it's a female, but it just looks like an average sized one of that species."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

An Interview with E.A. Koetting

Every aficionado of Occult literature will be pleased to hear that E.A. Koetting, one of the most prominent occult authors of today will be re-releasing his latest book "Evoking Eternity". This book, just like all of his previous works is sold out and out of print. When any of them appears on ebay they can go for over $200. No surprise then, that the new release of his book is a welcomed news in all book collecting circles, not only Occult ones.

In the expectation of the upcoming edition of "Evoking Eternity" we asked E.A. Koetting for an interview to find out more about him and the new book:

Q: Let me start by asking when did you first get interested in Occult / Paranormal?
E.A.Koetting: I know that it sounds cheesy, but I’ve always been interested in the occult. When I was five and was learning my telephone number for kindergarten, my method of remembrance was to form a rhythmic chant of the numbers, and recite them over and over in that cadence. I threw my “magic blanket” around my shoulders like a cape, held a long toy in my hands like a wand, and chanted away, imagining that the incantation was bringing to life some strange surges from beyond. This is silly, but it’s fun to remember. Bear in mind, however, that as a child I watched absolutely NO television, and I was being taught to read not through the pages of Harry Potter or Twilight, but from the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Again at eight years old I sat in the entryway with a few large legos - the kind that you give very small children so they don’t choke on them – spread out before me. I was sitting with legs folded, my left arm stretched out, trying with all of the might of an eight year old to clear my mind and form a connection with the blocks. My little sister came upon me and, horrified, asked what I was doing, and my answer was that once my mind was clear, the blocks would levitate. I wasn’t able to explain the physics, or the metaphysics, behind this claim, but it seemed perfectly valid at the time. Throughout my childhood I was accompanied by figures who would only show themselves when I was alone, or when I was awake and everyone else was asleep. They would attempt to draw me out of my body, and I remember the stretching and pulling of spatial and temporal awareness and the discomfort that that brought. There weren’t any real moments in my life when I said, “Wow, check this out!” but it was more like, “oh, that’s what that was.”
I definitely had those great moments of realizing that perhaps I was not insane: playing with an ouija board for the first time; coming into contact as a pre-teen with older kids who claimed to be “witches”; actually performing my first by-the-book ritual at fifteen years old; performing a ritual of evocation where the spirit actually materialized. Yeah, these were all milestones, not necessarily in my initiation into the world of the unknown, but more to understanding the world that I was already living in.

Q: Most people interested in Occult and Paranormal have some "most memorable" occult / paranormal event that they witnessed. Could you share yours?
E.A.Koetting: Oh wow, my life has been packed with those moments. Off the top of my head, my memory is drawn to the evocation of the Demonic King Paimon, from the Goetia. I recall this story in Evoking Eternity as well. I was 18 or 19 years old, and had been struggling for at least a few years with the art of scrying into a black-backed mirror. I would sit for hours every day gazing into the mirror. I would see the surface of it fill with some mysterious, white fog, and then nothing. I was sure that I was causing damage to my eyes, I spent so much time staring into the damn mirror! I had successfully performed evocations, having the spirit materialize in quite a substantial manner, and more importantly with the result of the evocation being manifested after short time, but like most magicians, I longed for the open-eyed contact with the spirit. Out of necessity one day I threw a ritual of evocation together, tossed the candles in place, scribbled Paimon’s sigil on a piece of paper, set out my scrying mirror, and lit the incense. I gazed at the sigil in the Triangle of Manifestation, then into the fog-filled mirror, then back at the sigil. Before I finished the spoken conjuration, however, I heard a thunderous voice shouting, “Who are you to summon me!” or something to that effect, and looked down into the mirror to see in terrifying clarity King Paimon’s hideous face. That was a certain breakthrough for me – the moment when the games stopped and the real work began.

Q: Staying with that event - did it change your perception or view of life and priorities?
E.A.Koetting: It changed my perception for sure. Like I said, I had performed several successful evocations, and I had been seriously, deeply into the Left Hand Path of the occult for at least a few years, but it was at that point when it all solidified. I’ve noticed with people who dabble in the occult that they’ll have some sort of breakthrough experience like this one, or something of greater or lesser magnitude, and that is the point when they will either abandon the practice altogether or they will become fanatics. I, obviously, chose the latter path. That moment provided the vindication of all that I recognized to be real as well as the fuel to uncover worlds upon worlds beyond that simple vision. And from that moment, especially in the act of constraint following Paimon’s verbal assault, it became quite clear that I had tied myself to those other worlds, and they to me.

Q: What was the first Occult / Paranormal book you have read?
E.A.Koetting: The Encylopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. I came across this in my school library over lunch one day, and I was fascinated. I was a good Mormon boy at that time – I mean, I was the model Christian kid, passing sacrament, collecting tithes and fast offerings, visiting the ill and the non-attendant – so at thirteen or fourteen years old, I literally had to sneak into the library to read this book. It detailed medieval witchcraft, as told through the eyes of the inquisition, complete with photocopies of pacts with the devil, paintings of witches copulating with imps, stake-burnings and lesbian orgies. I was just blown away. I obviously couldn’t check the book out, so I would take my lunches in the library, which was usual for me anyways, and if there were any pages that I had to read in more depth, I’d put a dime into the photocopier and hide the printed pages in one of my school books.

But that’s not really real witchcraft, not in any practical way. But it was a primer. The first book I remember owning dealing with the occult was A Grimoire of Shadows by Ed Fitch. It took the idea of elemental magick and put it in a methodical context, where I could sit and work through these meditations and rituals. It was extremely basic, looking through that book now, but it served a very nice function in my development.

Q: What is your favorite Occult / Paranormal book and which is your favorite non-occult one?
E.A.Koetting: You know, my personal library has gotten pretty thin this last decade. The more that I learned from my own experiences, the more obsolete so many books seemed to become. That was perhaps the greatest impetus for me to write books on the occult and spirituality: there seemed to be this void of real, useable information, and nobody seemed to be stepping up to fill that void with anything substantial. I have a few Julius Evola books that I find myself poring through, specifically The Yoga of Power, an amazing look at the Shiva/Shakti current and its Left Hand Path applications. Aside from Evola and the obvious Crowley cornerstones, everything else on my bookcase are grimoires for reference.

As far as non-occult books, I enjoy Dean Koontz for light, fun reading, although in just about every one of his books, about two thirds into the book, there is a definite 20 page lull. I’ll find myself “cheating” by skipping over those 20 pages and then piecing them together later. I feel ashamed every time I do that too, like Mr. Koontz deserves my full attention. I’ll also read scriptural texts quite a bit: the Popul Vu; the Bhagavad Gita; Enuma Elish; the Bible, of course. This is all review, of course, it’s not like I’m reading books with twisting plots or anything, but there really is something to being able to read one or two verses, and then sit with those verses for the next few hours meditating on them and really digesting them.

Q: People who are just beginning their involvement in magick and occult frequently wonder what is the best way to start. So, I am sure that many would be interested to hear from you - what would you recommend to someone who is just beginning with Occult / Magick?
E.A.Koetting: Look, the first thing to get out of the way is that none of this is complicated. It’s all very simple. It’s so simple that our minds just can’t handle it, so they clutter the whole matter up to give the mind something to grab on to. But here is the whole thing, laid out: we exist in a manifold reality, layers on top of layers that are all interwoven, with our own selves at the center of this web of existence. Forces, energies, entities, and powers are active around us at all times, and these rituals that we’ll perform, or these meditations or mantras or prayers or whatever your method of connecting is, all this does is momentarily allows us to recognize and interact with these other worlds. If you want to immerse yourself in spirituality, you have to step into the water. I tell everyone who asks me, “What can I do?” to do something daily to bring yourself into that awareness and participation with the spiritual reality around you. I meditate every day, sometimes for an hour or more, or sometimes for ten minutes while my coffee is brewing in the morning. If you are performing some sort of devotion, do that devotion each day, or that ritual, watchtower calling, evocation, invocation, Soul Travel – just put yourself there every single day and you’ll notice a momentum that moves you into your own Ascent like a Juggernaut just rolling over every would-be obstacle in your path.

And then, you really have to make spirituality a practical thing. I’ve said several times in my books and engagements that just flying to heaven isn’t enough – you then have to pull heaven to earth, sometimes in a fiery crash if need be. Look at your life and at what is missing or at what could be just a bit better, and then search the grimoires and search your own intuition for the formula to manifest what you desire. Then, plug yourself into it. That’s the most amazing thing about the occult sciences specifically: you don’t have to have faith in it or believe in it in order for it to work; if you come at it correctly, it is a system. If you pull this level, that arm will swing and the ball will drop into the cup. Just plug yourself into the system, and it works!

Q: Your upcoming book "Evoking Eternity" is the part of the "Left Hand Path" series of books. How would you define the "Left Hand Path" i.e. what does that term mean to you and what attracted you to it?
E.A.Koetting: The Left Hand Path is really the spiritual path of the forbidden. You can look at the surface and say that the Left Hand Path is that which is evil, dark, nefarious, or even sinister and predatory – which are aspects of some forms of Left Hand Path practice – but that is just a small corner of that world. All of my books, I think, follow a similar pattern: terms are defined for the usefulness of the text as a whole; some background is given; basic, cornerstone practices are taught which can be worked through and mastered; these practices build up to a crescendo where the reader finds that he or she is literally working the impossible, doing that which very few are capable of; and then, I believe, each book tapers off by issuing direct challenges pertinent to the matter at hand. This isn’t a pattern of which I have been consciously aware during the writing process, but more one that in reflection and retrospect is pretty clear. Through this process, if you’re actually working through the book, it is my absolute goal to smoothly yet quickly guide you over some of the most jagged spiritual terrain and set you upon a peak whereon you can look out and say, “wow, how did I even get here?” And then, in the midst of your bewilderment, the challenges are issued. It’s really a process of annihilating all obstacles to any necessary spiritual action, whether those obstacles be external or internal.

Evoking Eternity is a great example of this, because while it is not sinister or dark at all, especially in comparison with my earlier works of Baneful Magick or Works of Darkness. It does, however, fit wonderfully into the above definition of the Left Hand Path, as two-thirds through the book, you will be performing rituals that every occult writer and mentor has admonished against, for fear of the safety or sanity of the Operator or the resilience of the veil between the worlds. We really are ripping that veil down, though, tearing the vestments right off of the angels and demons to reveal the naked power of Eternity.

So, being that which is forbidden, the Left Hand Path attracted me because it seemed to be the place wherein the most answers would be found. Most everything else seemed to be a front, a distraction from the forbidden, a way to keep people from the truth and the keys to power. There seemed to be a very low ceiling in place as long as I was chanting to the goddess or praying in the name of Jesus. As soon as I began to recognize myself as my only chance for exaltation, and realized that in order to get there I was have to travel through perdition, all of the doors just opened up for me.

Q: What would you say is the destination of the "Left Hand Path"?
E.A.Koetting: That’s getting kind of cloudy, as I try to peer into the future, because it seems like the smoke and mirrors act that has worked so well for the past few thousand years is fading fast, and we are moving ferociously towards some sort of revolution, worldwide, so when that which is forbidden is no longer forbidden, it would be safe to say that new taboos would naturally fall into place, and we would have to push the envelope even farther, resulting in yet another worldwide, or galaxy-wide, revolution in a few thousand years.

Q: Staying with your upcoming release - "Evoking Eternity" - how would you summarize it and which chapter(s) in it would you especially point out?
E.A.Koetting: Evoking Eternity starts off pretty strong. Rather than getting into enumerations of the various types of evocations and the theories behind all of them, I just dig into the meat of the matter right away. Evocation, like any other type of ritual, is a system that operates, well, systematically. If you understand that system and the principles by which it operates, you are guaranteed success every time. To that end, Evoking Eternity begins by disclosing the Elementary Principles of Evocation. If you just took that one, initial chapter, and went no further in the book, you could perform a successful evocation without issue. Only the first five chapters really discuss evocation as a basic practice. I don’t play around or mince words or add fluff here… I just give you the information as it is, in its fullness and nudity, and I don’t try to garb it in the dogmas or hundred-year-old traditions. This is a system, a science, and an art, and so I lay out the system, I provide the contextual base for the science, and I show you how to use the brush to begin a masterpiece. After the fifth chapter, the whole matter gets to be really fun, because that’s where we start to strip away the restrictions that have been placed on evocation, and challenge ourselves to push beyond the boundaries of what has been accepted as sane or rational. Right away, instructions and rituals are given for evocation with multiple Operators, simultaneous evocations of several entities, evoking literal legions of spirits, and gradually eradicating every admonition issued concerning the subject. It’s intense, but it’s also very needed.

Now, Evoking Eternity was released in a very limited edition by Ixaxaar Publications, and that release fulfilled the terms of our publishing agreement. I am now in collusion with some of the best book-makers on the market deciding exactly how we want this to be re-presented and drawing up the plans for the whole thing. A release date as well as ordering instructions will be available at shortly.

Q: Anything you would like to tell the readers as a closing word?
E.A.Koetting: Just dive in, really. There are things that you can never know until you experience them, and that is the summation of all of the works of Ascent. You just have to push your fear aside and jump into the water. Some people get eaten alive… others become Gods.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

"...they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries"  

~David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991 (founder Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the League of Nations & also donated the land upon which stands the United Nations... how nice of him, eh?)

 "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

~Thomas Jefferson, US President

 "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight."

"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."

~John F. Kennedy, US President (assassinated)

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

~James Paul Warburg (member CFR, American banker and financial adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt)

 "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

~Woodrow Wilson, US President

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” 

~Franklin D. Roosevelt, US President

Remember - all I am offering you is the TRUTH, nothing more.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not-knowing is true knowledge

“Not-knowing is true knowledge.
Presuming to know is a disease.
First realize that you are sick;
then you can move toward health.”

― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

...sick men's dreams

"Examine the religious principles, which have, in fact, prevailed in the world. You will scarcely be persuaded, that they are anything but sick men's dreams." 

- David Hume

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Media's Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful

The broadcast media's ignorance and unwillingness to cover the National Defense Authorization Act, a radical piece of legislation which outrageously redefines the US homeland as a "battlefield" and makes US citizens subject to military apprehension and detainment for life without access to a trial or attorney, is unacceptable.

Guys, this is far more important than Penn State's Disgusting Creep of the Decade, or even Conrad Murray's sentencing.

Call it what you will: a military junta, a secret invalidation of Americans' civil rights, a Congress gone mad. Whatever it is, it needs to be covered by the press, and quickly.

Anderson Cooper, Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and the other handful of household names that mainstream America relies on for news should be talking about this non-stop.

I emailed producers and on-air talent at the three major cable news networks yesterday: not one of them was willing to step up to the plate and report on this appalling legislation, which would give Americans roughly the same protections as citizens in China or Saudi Arabia.
Bloggers and the ACLU's analysis have already made the work easy for you guys. Even an ADD segment producer can do the math:

- Pay special attention to Section 1031 of the bill.

- This bill violates the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385), as it will allow federal military personnel to engage in domestic law enforcement. This is profoundly unconstitutional and scary.

- Also read Sen. Lindsey Graham's chilling defense of the offending provision in this bill, calling to make the homeland a "battlefield." Has anyone told these guys that Osama bin Laden and his deputies are dead? Those still alive are running from drone strikes on a daily basis. So who exactly are we fighting against? Are you protecting us from a handful of (almost entirely peaceful) college kids at the Occupy protests? If so, martial law and throwing out 200+ years of basic civil rights seems rather excessive.

- Finally, as the ACLU points out, you won't have any trouble booking an expert talking head who will tell you how dangerous and counterproductive the National Defense Authorization Act is: "The Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the FBI and the head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division have all said that the indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA are harmful and counterproductive." Book one of them on your program, and do it quickly. The Senate has already rejected an amendment which would have banned the indefinite detention provisions from the bill.

Please, do your jobs. This is the kind of story that wins journalism awards and makes careers. It's the kind of story that makes viewers trust you.

UPDATE: To the mainstream media's credit, Keith Olbermann of Current TV has now mentioned the NDAA's harmful provision, and I've been told that Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC is drawing attention to it as well. A good start, but not nearly enough.