Friday, December 16, 2011

The idea has always been to destroy America

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Another 18 hours in the air took me to Cleveland, Ohio, once one of the industrial and manufacturing giants of America in its economic heyday, but now a shadow of what it once had been. Cleveland was the point on the tour that provided the symbol for the systematic destruction of the United States, economically and eventually militarily. It was the city where J D Rockefeller (1839–1937) grew up and, ironically, it is the cabal that he so effectively represented which has since destroyed the manufacturing heart of the once-mighty Cleveland. 

Manufacturing that was the foundation of the American economy has been outsourced to China and the Far East along with many other jobs once done by Americans. This has devastated cities like Cleveland exactly as planned. They are already so close to their goal with Associated Press reporting this week that 48 percent of Americans, some 146.4 million, are now considered low-income or poor. More than half of all children in major US cities, including Cleveland, are living in poverty. 

The idea has always been to destroy America economically and militarily to bring it under the jackboot of a world government tyranny and now we have the apparently extraordinary situation of America up to its neck in debt to countries like China - the major beneficiary of the outsourcing of American manufacturing. 

But it is not extraordinary when you realise that the plan all along has been to destroy America and not to improve the lives of Americans. This has all been callously done on purpose by a rigged and corrupt political system that serves the global cabal, not the American people.

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