But to understand the financial crisis, 9/11 and so much more, it must be spoken constantly.
The David Icke Newsletter this Sunday is a major six thousand word exposure of the extent of Rothschild Zionist control of Big Government, Big Banking, Big Media, etc. and its fundamental role in the atrocities of 9/11.
It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … Rothschild Zionism. I add the 'Rothschild' to constantly emphasize the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day ...
... They have sought to sell the 'Zionism-means-all-Jewish-
This is why most researchers won't go there even if they are aware enough to know that they should really goes beyond five-sense reality. Go there. To uncover and expose what is happening in the world we need all the 'bees' - brain, backbone, balls - and never more so than now. Oh yeah, and add consciousness if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.
So racism is ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall.
The world's most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.
IT SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED AGAIN - "Zionism" does NOT equal "Jewish people". The super-elites who head this murderous movement have perpetuated this lie to enable them to label 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' anyone who dares to disagree with them. In fact, the Jewish people themselves are some of the most victimized by these heartless maniacs, who in fact have/had multiple ties to Hitler's brutal Nazi regime.
Zionism is a political movement - and one of the most violent ones at that(excluding the Catholic church, but that's another post, although there has been some 'cross-over' especially during WWII) - based on the opinion that the land now known as 'Israel' belongs to certain people because 'God said so'...
YES, all the fighting, death, misery, and literal brink of world destruction is based on writings in an ancient 'magical' book. Think about that for a second... okay, now that you've got that, know this:
if you take these mystical writings as factual history - I know that's freakin' crazy, but stay with me here - even in these books by which the Zionists lay claim to 'their land', it is written - and the physical archaeological evidence verifies this - that the land was ALREADY OCCUPIED when these 'chosen people' arrived! They were told by this 'god' to drive out the indigenous peoples and take it for themselves... killing nearly everyone, taking what they could as booty, and oh yeah, you can keep the virgin girls for yourselves. *facepalm*
These indigenous peoples were the Canaanites - who we now know as THE PALESTINIANS.
Now you know WHY the world is as literally fucked up as it is, why we are constantly KILLING each other, why the Middle East, which was was LITERALLY the cradle of civilization with some of the worlds most advanced cities, sciences, mathematics, etc., is a hotbed of violence and anguish and half the people live like it's the 1500s, why that small area of contested land resembles a Nazi concentration camp(how ironic)...
- because a 'magic' book said so. -
How can we NOT see how absolutely bizarre this is?!
We are ALL human beings with the same rights & feelings as everyone else. We ALL deserve absolute freedom to live, love, travel, believe/worship(or not) what we want, when & how we want, AS LONG AS WE DO NO HARM TO ANOTHER and do not infringe upon the rights of others to do the same.
~ Tony
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