Thursday, December 23, 2010

the Great Pyramid at Giza - the math tells the TRUTH

There's an interesting show on The History Channel called "Ancient Aliens"(if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and buy the DVDs - yes, it's that good!) and they were talking about the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt.  Not willing to take ANYTHING at face value, I did some research and some mathematical figures for myself and found this:

- There are 2.5 million blocks in the Great Pyramid, weighing between 2 and 70
tons each.

- It's base covers over 13 acres and its volume is around 90,000,000 cubic feet. You could build 30 Empire State buildings with its masonry.

- The generally accepted time frame for it's construction in the mainstream archeological community is 20 years.

- now the math :

60 minutes to an hour

24 hours to a day
365 days to a year

- using these facts, there are 1,440 minutes in a day, therefore 525,600 minutes in a year, therefore 10,512,000 minutes in 20 years.

- take that figure 10,512,000 and divide by the number of blocks, 2,500,000 gives us the number

This means - using the mainstream scientific community's
own numbers - that they would have to quarry, transport and place 2.5 million 2-70 ton blocks, with a tolerance of .010 inch and placed together with a gap of no more than .020 inch, every 4.2 minutes, 24 hours a day for 20 years straight!!!!!

Is this even physically possible?  No.  Not even today with modern technology could we do this...

Okay, let's say they got the time for building wrong...
way wrong. Let's give the ancient Egyptians not 20 years but a HUNDRED years to do it.  That's increased by a factor of five... this means they would have to quarry, transport and place these 2.5 million blocks every 21 minutes, 24 hours a day for 20 years straight.

This is STILL an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY, even for today, much less 4.5 thousand years ago.

It's simple multiplication and division... math doesn't lie, have an agenda, nor is it subject to interpretation. It's either correct or incorrect.

So how was the Great Pyramid really built?

 (And we haven't even mentioned the precise astronomical alignment of the pyramids... or the fact that there is no trace of soot or ash anywhere inside - so how did they light it to see what the hell they were doing?  Oh, and we also haven't mentioned that inside the Great Pyramid there aren't any hieroglyphics either, which virtually blanket nearly every other ancient edifice in Egypt.  Why not?!)


CommentPoster :) said...

Wow. Thats interesting.
I'm now inclinded to actually look into this. Thank-you. I think I have found inspiration for a story I have been meaning to write.

ronak said...

Really man this is very interesting. I saw that program on
Anceint Aliens Awesome
Keep it up dude post some things more

klsdad said...

This is NOT the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid does NOT have any remaing casing stones at the top. Please change the photo.

Tony said...

this picture URL here was taken in October of 2011(copy/paste into your browser):

- so, your information is incorrect.